
Martin Onco

IT Director

Career Goal

Do what you like and like what you do
... keep smiling and never give up :)

About me


Work Hard

My current focus in work is related to projects in fintech sector. As an IT Director, I am taking care of the overall digitalization journey for the bank. My second focus is in sharpening my web and mobile development skills and working on multiple hobby projects in various sectors.

"The only source of knowledge is experience."
- Albert Einstein


Dev projects




Architect Projects

Play Hard

My passion is to travel around the world and explore new places and cultures. For me is very important to be able to combine this passion with my work and all my sports. I am actively riding on a wakeboard and a skateboard. Enjoying all events with friends!

"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list."
- Susan Sontag




LGT Bank

IT Director

- technical guidance and leadership
- digitalization of internal processes
- overall innovation strategies in Information Technology
- secure and efficient DevOps in projects
- agile team structures and project governance

2 Years



Principal Solution Architect

- design web-based cloud architectures
- delivery and management of high-end projects
- projects for banks and financial institutions
- accelerating digital transformation
- make sure that envisioned solutions become reality

3 Years

Switzerland / Singapore


Senior Architect

- analyze customers' organ. structures
- design business processes
- model and monitor processes
- define work packages
- take responsibility for the quality

2 Years

World Wide Remote


Solutions Consultant

Technical Consulting, Business Consulting and Solution Architecture
- IBM Watson Explorer
- IBM Watson Developer Cloud
- IBM Content Classification
- IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook

5 Years



Web Develop Lead

Leading Web Application Development
Main project: Web Portal for Apollon
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript (AngularJS), PHP, MariaDB

2 Years

Czech Republic


Technical Consultant

Business Analytics and Optimization
- analysis of insights gathered from unstructured and structured data
- social network analysis
- cross industry & industry solutions
Enterprise Content Management
- IBM Content Analytics
- IBM Content Classification



University of Economics
Prague, Czech Republic

(Ing.) Information Management

Passed with honours (final study comparison with peers: 1./108)
Minor specialization: Managerial Sociology and Psychology


University of Technology
Vienna, Austria

Business Informatics

Master studies (Exchange Student)


Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic

(Bc.) Computer Science

Bachelor Thesis: WIWIL
- social network for travellers
(Facebook and Google Maps APIs)

My Skills

Angular HTML, CSS, JavaScript PHP MySQL Maria DB Bootstrap Native Script Docker Node.js Amazon Web Services BACKBASE Homebrew npm Elastic + Logstash + Kibana Python Java GitHub IBM Watson Arduino IDE Appway Platform UML Adobe Photoshop Type Script JIRA Software Google Firebase C# Google Maps API

Support Of Good Things

Help find a way out of generational poverty for 200 Roma children.

Help find a way out of generational poverty for 200 Roma children.

We don't choose the environment we are born into. Children growing up in poverty have their starting line shifted from birth. Their chances of success are influenced by the environment in which they grow up. Early childhood experiences open doors for children into a world where they can experience success, the joy of discovery, and kind praises. Contribute to the first training for 10 new early childhood educators and provide another 200 children with a chance for a better future.

Entertaining and educational sensory pathway.

Entertaining and educational sensory pathway.

The goal of our project is to address the environmental issue of inappropriate car parking near the school, which devalues the aesthetics of the surroundings and cleanliness of the school environment. At the same time, we aim to enhance the safe movement of students around the school.

ECOenergy - solar device for charging electronic devices

ECOenergy - solar device for charging electronic devices

Due to the enormous prices of electrical energy, we, as students, are prohibited from charging electronic devices (phones, tablets, laptops), which are essential for our studies.
In order for us, as youth, to be able to educate ourselves effectively and modernly, we need access to the internet and power for our devices. There is an energy crisis, and we, as students, do not have enough accessible and affordable energy for their usage. Therefore, we are proposing a solution for cheaply and ecologically recharging our devices and continuing our education.
The components and solar systems have been invented in the past, but only as individual parts and not as a functioning and practically usable system for laypeople.
That's why we decided to introduce the Solar Module project, which serves for the production and distribution of electrical energy through renewable sources.

The goal of the project is to replace the stolen power plant, grinder, and repair the facilities - our warehouse.

The goal of the project is to replace the stolen power plant, grinder, and repair the facilities - our warehouse.

The restoration project of the Old Castle began writing its history in 2018. In that year, the restoration of the NKP Old Castle commenced. A group of volunteers gathered, people who were not indifferent to the fate of the monument. The story of the castle's restoration has been successfully ongoing for 5 years now. We have seen a multitude of volunteers, employees from companies, and media personnel join us. During this period, numerous precious architectural details and valuable medieval masonry have been successfully preserved. Unfortunately, this year, we were "visited" by thieves. They stole valuable tools that we need to replace.

We are together - Ukraine-Slovakia-SOS

We are together - Ukraine-Slovakia-SOS

"Ukraine-Slovakia SOS"/"WE ARE TOGETHER" visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers in hospitals in Slovakia and Austria (tasty homemade welcome from our hostesses, cultural program, if needed, translation services to ensure better communication with hospital staff).

Children-At-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore)

Children-At-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore)

Be the one who helps. This campaign supports fundraising efforts in support of CARE's work in School Based Social Work

Your gift can light up the live of a young child and bring the brightness to a live that could be dark and sad. Mental wellness and emotional support are crucial parts of growing up well.

Shine your love into their lives and help us support them and their families and recognize their progress with family bonding.

Support the future of skateboarding in Slovakia - INDOOR SKATEPARK

Support the future of skateboarding in Slovakia - INDOOR SKATEPARK

Hangair Indoor Skatepark in Bratislava is a long-term vision aimed at creating a pleasant and functional space for skateboarding and freestyle scooter enthusiasts.
We envision it as a place where the community gathers, where limits are pushed, and where young talents will grow...

Help young children in trouble- CARE4u - Youths

Help young children in trouble- CARE4u - Youths

We were all young before. So you can understand what a helping hand can do for them.
Your support and CARE gives us energy so that we DARE to launch new programmes to help, even as we struggle with funding some of the current programmes.
WHY - Because their need will not wait for us or go away. Every moment we wait leaves them alone and vulnerable to situations that can be beyond their abilities to cope with.

Brailik - an educational toy for blind children

Brailik - an educational toy for blind children

Braille alphabet consists of 6 dots, and the combination of these dots represents a specific letter. For example, the letter "e" is the first and fifth dot. When a dot button is pressed, the dot will protrude so that it can be sensed by touch, and the toy will announce the corresponding letter. If the dot combination is incorrect, a sound will play, and we can try again. Children are endlessly curious in this process, and they find the correct combination through trial and error. The goal is for them to solidify their discovery and establish a strong foundation for reading characters automatically in the future.

Fuel the Girl Pwr! 2022

Fuel the Girl Pwr! 2022

This raises funds for our 2022 campaign to help over 150 girls
Who says yes to helping girls grow up to be great women?
Help girls grow up in the best way. Each has the potential to achieve more and give back when they grow up
Girl Power! is a programme that provides critical help to young girls so that they can plan for a better life ahead. We focus on BODY, MIND, and FUTURE.
We aim to help empower more vulnerable young girls this year and have fallen far short of the funds needed.
It is important for adolescent girls who are experiencing the physiological changes in their body as they reach puberty to learn to respect their body and take positive steps in life.

Stop Bullying today CARE SG X

Stop Bullying today CARE SG X

In partnership with SG CARES' Giving Week - You can STOP bullying.
Speak up about bullying and help both the parties grow as a person
Bullies exist in schools, at work and all around us.
If we can do something now, perhaps none will become bullies or have emotional problems when they grow up.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among people, esp school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both those who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
#SGCares #GivingWeekSG #CityofGood

Help autistic children learn!

Help autistic children learn!

Children are our future, including those with special needs!
Teach them well and show them the beauty they possess. Give them a sense of pride and let their laughter spread.
Every child should be given the opportunity to grow up in a safe and caring environment. It is unfortune that some children with special needs are deprived of a good education to prepare them for the world.
Let's help them and their families to lead a more brighter and fulfilling life.

Vytvorenie oddychovo relaxačného priestoru

Vytvorenie oddychovo relaxačného priestoru

Cieľom projektu je zabezpečiť prostredníctvom verejných donorov z oblasti širokej občianskej spoločnosti rekonštrukciu, renováciu a obrodenie zastaraných, znehodnotených a zdevastovaných autobusových zastávok v obci Budiná do novej podoby "oddychovo relaxačného priestoru" kde sa môže stretávať široká verejnosť a obyvatelia obce.

Zastrešenie komunitného centra v starom mlyne

Zastrešenie komunitného centra v starom mlyne

Sme v procese rekonštrukcie starého mlynu v Skalke nad Váhom. Toto leto sa chystáme na výmenu azbestovej strechy. Chceme zachovať súčasný vzhľad mlynu ktorého korene siahajú až do 17. storočia. Objekt má slúžiť ako komunitné centrum pre rodiny s deťmi a pocestných. Nájdete nás v povodí rieky Váh blízko cyklotrasy a Kláštora Skalka nad Váhom.

Roots & Shoots: Poďme spolu na Zniev

Roots & Shoots: Poďme spolu na Zniev

Chceli by sme pomôcť zviditeľniť a ukázať krásu nášho hradu. Zlepšiť jeho dostupnosť a bezpečnosť návštevníkom všetkých vekových kategórií a v každom ročnom období aj počasí. A hlavne, pomôcť ho zachrániť pred zmiznutím...

Ladovňa - nový kultúrny priestor

Ladovňa - nový kultúrny priestor

Hviezdne noci našli vysnívané miesto, ktoré s vašou pomocou premeníme na variabilný priestor pre umelcov i divákov. Miesto s celoročnou festivalovou atmosférou. Po roku prevádzky putovného kultúrneho centra vieme, že vlastný priestor otvorí nové dramaturgické možnosti. Ladovňu sa nám podarilo svojpomocne zrekonštruovať, no stále jej chýba technické vybavenie zodpovedajúce kvalitnému programu.

Pomôžme postaviť v Nižnej Slanej detské ihrisko

Pomôžme postaviť v Nižnej Slanej detské ihrisko

Aj malé ihrisko dokáže urobiť obrovský rozdiel pre deti, ktoré majú na hranie k dispozícii len chodby bytovky a cestu pred nimi.

Varíme v súlade s prírodou, alebo keď jedlo liečí

Varíme v súlade s prírodou, alebo keď jedlo lieči

Kniha plná vegánskych receptov s liečivou energiou prírody. Táto kniha je poukázaním, že vzdať sa svojich obľúbených jedál a chutí pri prejdení na zdravší spôsob stravovania vôbec nie je nutné. Stačí potraviny správne nakombinovať a vybrať si ich v kúsok v inej forme.Snažila som sa vytvoriť kuchársku knihu, ktorá bude Vašim lekárom, nezakáže Vám Vaše obľúbené chute, prinavráti Vám silu, vitalitu.